The prevalence of weapons in society increases the likelihood of death or injury. ?
On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 43 voters. |
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The prevalence of weapons in society increases the likelihood of death or injury.
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Reasons To DisagreePeople making choices increase the liklhood of death. Weapons are tools 27 November 2018
The problem is more complex than a simple agree, disagree, neutral question. For starters: 27 November 2018
Inanimate objects objects are not the reason for any form of violence as they are only tool of the person or weapon using them. Almost anything can be used as a tool to do harm to others and I am including spit wads, straight pins and paperclips in this. 29 November 2018
Guns dont kill people, People Kill people If you take away guns they will use swords if you take away swords they'll use poison, Murder was happening way before modern weapons or laws 15 December 2018
I love chewaka 11 January 2020
It's people who decide to pull the trigger, swing the blade, or poison someone. 4 May 2020
All weapons are innocent, it's those who use them are to blame for any evil becoming. 14 June 2020
Weapons are for ones own protection and protection of others 26 January 2024
Reasons To AgreeThe question has no mention of any specific weapon type, therefore you cannot argue that guns dont kill people people kill people. However, the prevalence, ease of access and lack of proper background checking certainly does not help the statistics of death using firearms. It has been proven in serveal countries that when certain laws are enforced (not making firearms illegal but making is harder to get them) the death rate involving firearms decrease immensely. 14 June 2019
Reasons for Remain Neutral
It really depends on who has them, and how they are used.
The prevalence of undereducated people carrying weapons for the wrong reasons in society increases the likelihood of death or injury.
The prevalence of weapons in society has the potential to increase the likelihood of injury or death. If put in the wrong hands, "the dark side", but the adverse is also true, meaning. If put in the right hands, they have an infinite potential to prevent death or injury, "the light side"!
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