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  • Posted: Saturday 4 May 2019
  • The NZ Census takes place on March 6th (less than 28 days away). JEDI is now recognised as an official religion by the NZ Statistics Department. Previously the answer was out of scope, but last year a challenge through the Human Rights Commission acknowledged that a government department must protect an individuals right to religious belief. That change was hard won. Lets now stand together and be counted. May the Force be with you.
    Posted: Tuesday 6 February 2018
  • Thanks to a refresh of religious classifications in the upcoming census, Kiwis who affiliate with being a Jedi will soon be able to know how many others do, too. So will those who affiliate with Maoism, Marxism, and Falun Gong.

    An update of the standard classification of religious affiliation means data collected in the 2018 Census of Population and Dwellings will more accurately reflect people's religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs. It is the first update to the classification since 1999.

    While Jedi and Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are both on the list, most of the changes involve more denominations for religions such as Judaism and Islam.
    Posted: Saturday 25 March 2017
  • Those who identify as Jedis, Marxists, Taoists or Pastafarians may be officially registered as religious followers after the 2018 Census.

    Statistics New Zealand has proposed to amend the categories of religious affiliation, and the aforementioned are some of the beliefs being considered.
    Posted: Monday 26 September 2016
  • The force is strong in New Zealand - but not strong enough for a tax break.

    The Department of Internal Affairs has rejected a request by the Jedi Society Incorporated to be recognised as a legitimate charitable endeavour, with all the tax-free benefits that entails.

    The society was established in April 2014, with an aim of acting as "guardians of peace" and keeping a particular eye on agents of the dark side of the force.

    As well as protecting the galaxy, the society said it would promote the Jedi religion, build a temple and try to grow the number of Jedi adherents in New Zealand.
    Posted: Monday 28 September 2015
  • Statistics NZ want to hear your views about the content of the next census and invite you to take part in an online discussion forum. It will be open from 30 April to 10 June 2015. Specifically join the forum, and look for the religious affililation question....
    Posted: Monday 4 May 2015
  • May the fourth be with you all.
    May the fourth be with you all. We are a fantastic group now 9395 strong. I wish you all peace and harmony, from NZ, the first to see the sun of a bright new day.
    Posted: Monday 4 May 2015
  • Sorry we will not be printing any more Jedi certificates... We decided it was too hard to manage. Please remember you should look around and inside yourself to feel the force, you don't need a certificate on your wall to prove it.
    Posted: Thursday 21 August 2014
  • May the Fourth Be With You 2013
    This is a very special day in the Jedi Calendar
    Posted: Friday 3 May 2013
  • Our website forum is now closed. There is so much more going on in our Facebook Group forum.
    Posted: Monday 28 May 2012
  • Our website gets 12000 - 20000 unique visitors every month. We now have over 5000 members on our facebook group too.
    Posted: Monday 28 May 2012
  • Our website traffic quadrupled on this very special day. We got 2000 unique visitors for the day instead of the ordinary 500 per day. :-)
    Posted: Wednesday 11 May 2011
  • Our hearts go out to all of those affected by the Feb 22nd Earthquake in Christchurch. This is a tragic tremor in the force!
    Posted: Tuesday 22 February 2011
  • The International Jedi Church, based in New Zealand, are terminating
    discussions with the Libertarianz Party due to significant differences
    in opinion.
    Posted: Sunday 13 February 2011
  • We have Jedi Stickers available for New Zealand residents only, promoting Jedi as an answer to the religion question in the 2011 census. UPDATE: ALL GONE NOW!
    Posted: Thursday 23 December 2010
  • fyi everyone, it's only 3 months until the next Nz census. We need to spread the word and remind people the importance of answering Jedi for the religion question.
    Posted: Thursday 23 December 2010
  • In the age group of 15-29 years of age, there are over 20% who answered Jedi in the Census. As a percentage of the total Nelson population was almost 7% and the next top region was Malborough. The Force is strong at the top of the South Island.
    Posted: Thursday 26 February 2009
  • After a long debate with NZ Census over several years, and even after expressing a desire to pay for the information, it has been several months, here it is...
    Posted: Monday 23 February 2009
  • Jediism Now Officially Founded
    On January 12th 2009. The Government of Canada granted Order of the Jedi Inc. The worlds first Federally Incorporated Non-Profit Religious Entity. The Order of the Jedi Inc. will continue to move forward, now applying for recognition within each province, and also help to establish other Orders who have been fighting for so long with a letter of introduction to their governement. A Federally registered Corporation is also recognized globally.
    Posted: Wednesday 11 February 2009
  • Chairperson = Master Zen Yobi
    Secretary = Master Dale Akira
    Treasurer = Master Boo
    All nominated, seconded and accepted, all unupposed.
    Posted: Friday 19 December 2008

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BBC Article 2001

Jedi Census Site

Information regarding the international attempts to have the Jedi religion officially recognised in census results, despite the large number of people who answer this question correctly.

Jedi census phenomenon

The Jedi census phenomenon was a grassroots movement in 2001 for citizens in a few English-speaking countries to record their religion as "Jedi" or "Jedi Knight"

Starwars - The Movie

Like all religions, movies are made about important moments in history. Think about all the New Testament movies ever made. George Lucas has done a great job here.

UK 2001 jedi statistics - 0.7% are Jedi in UK

0.7% of England and Wales are members of the Jedi church as per the last UK census. Brighton by far as the most consolidated jedi population, where 1 in 50 people are Jedi's


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